Friday, April 10, 2015

Staying Clean and Hydrated with Dial Miracle Oil Liquid Hand Soap

Disclaimer - I received a sample and coupons from Purex as part of the Purex Insiders Program. All experiences and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the product I received.  #Dial #PurexInsiders #MarulaOil #MiracleOilHandSoap

Here on the farm having good soap... and a large supply of it, are essential to me keeping my sanity. We are surrounded by dirt, have a house full of kids and have chickens, cats, and dogs running around.

You can call my home germ central.

So I am working hard to teach my kids to wash their hands whenever necessary. Dinner time? Go wash up. Played in the garden? Go wash up. Gave the dog a biscuit? Go wash up.

This past week in all of our Easter Egg fun, there were many reasons why I needed to have my kids wash their hands. And while I move between kids' needs, cooking and cleaning, well I have to wash my hands over and over throughout the day, too.

My biggest pet peeve is with all that washing, my hands start to feel dry and chapped.

So I was excited to try out the New Dial Miracle Oil Liquid Hand Soap.

Have you noticed this in stores, yet? It is infused with Marula Oil to help deeply hydrate my skin. It also said to protect from skin damaging free radicals. Now, that sounds like a double win to me!

If your family is anything like mine, you know the Summer months will bring many more reasons to wash hands. Berry picking in the U-Pick patch? Bug collecting in the backyard? Or my favorite, mud pie making marathons? Yes, it will all call for warm soap and water.

This soap feels good and did leave my skin feeling smooth and soft, not dry and itchy!

Want a chance to try Dial Miracle Oil Liquid Hand Soap for yourself? I have coupons to give away to 2 lucky readers of Adventures in All Things Food.

Giveaway Time!!
Things Food Giveaway ends 4/18/2015. 2 winners. You must be 18 or over and in the US to win. Good luck! 

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