One of my favorite parts of Spring is the coming of the local strawberries! Sweet and juicy berries are already dotting the strawberry fields here in Oregon and pretty soon the hot afternoons will start to smell like fresh strawberry jam.
This time of year, I love to create a simple and fresh strawberry lemonade.
I thought it was about time to profess my love of both my state and strawberries by etching a state outline into a Swing Top Bottle of my homemade lemonade just perfect for sharing with a good friend. Start with a sweet little swing top bottle.
Then it is time to break out the Silhouette, etching cream and other simple supplies. Do you remember my "Hello Sunshine" etched glass mug tutorial last Spring? This is a similar project and just as much fun.
Don't forget to grab a pair of protective gloves, the etching cream is caustic stuff.
Create a stencil in the Silhouette Design Studio. For this project I searched for an outline of my state and then uploaded the image into my program and used the trace function to create my own design. With a heart added in the middle, I was ready to go.
Take care when transferring your stencil. If it is not a single object and requires alignment, be sure to use transfer paper.
Then I put in a little extra time smoothing down the corners. I ended up with a little bleed under the edges, but I liked the rustic look of how it turned out.
Then comes etching time! I dabbed on some etching cream and then scraped off the excess. After just 30 seconds it was time to wash off the cream before removing the stencil. It is always fun to see exactly how it turns out.
It is subtle, but noticeable. I really like how it turned out. Now, I am ready to share my favorite way to cool off this time of year.
Now that you know how easy it is to etch glass, what would you like to make?
Want to Check Out More Silhouette Projects?
My Silhouette Challenge buddies and I are all sharing projects on our blogs today, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration!1. Weekend Craft // 2. Where The Smiles Have Been // 3. Confessions of an Overworked Mom // 4. Simply Kelly Designs // 5. Adventures in All Things Food // 6. Sisters, What! // 7. Create & Babble // 8. Creative Ramblings // 9. Practically Functional // 10. Briick by Briick // 11. My Paper Craze // 12. DIYJustCuz // 13. Made in a Day // 14. The Thinking Closet // 15. Architecture of a Mom // 16. Get Silvered

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