Monday, August 3, 2015

Fire Season: My Journey From Ruin to Redemption by Hollye Dexter

I received a complimentary book to help me write an honest review. I am participating in this  BookSparks' TRUTH OR DARE Blog Tour, reviews contain my own affiliate links for the books being read and discussed. #BookSparks

And finishing up the BookSparks TRUTH or DARE book tour is Hollye Dexter's Fire Season.

Awakened by her husband’s yells of panic, Hollye Dexter woke to her family’s home set ablaze and her toddler son asleep next to her. With little time to act, Hollye had no choice but to drop her son out of the second story window in order to save his life. Over the course of the next few years, Hollye spiraled into depression, unable to let go of the horrific fire that destroyed everything including all five of her family’s pets. This book tells the true story of a mother who must take back her own sanity and defeat her anxiety to keep her family in tact.

“Hollye Dexter’s book made me cry and laugh—sometimes all within one paragraph. She tells her story with power and punch, and a truth that is unsettling and astonishing and ultimately uplifting. There isn't a soul who can't relate to her memoir. It is filled with revelations, humanity, poignancy, balls-out courage, and humor. She is a role model extraordinaire.” —Amy Ferris author of Marrying George Clooney

My Review

Wow! Such a story to tell. During the first part of the book I remember having to remind myself to breathe. The fire was just such a horrifying experience to read about and the author painted such a vivid picture of that night. As a mother of young children, it was all too real for me and was like reading my own worst nightmare. But the fire was not the only obstacle Hollye and her family had to endure. Throughout the book I felt very thankful for events in my own life.

I am impressed with the courage it takes to write a memoir that is so brutally honest. It would be much easier to try to forget about the struggles and hard times, but Hollye Dexter laid it all out there and showed us the strength of the human spirit.

This is a great way to finish out summer reading because everyone loves a book where the family succeeds despite the odds being stacked against them.


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