Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Last Days of Summer with Flipz

received this product for free from Smiley360 in exchange for my honest review. All opinions and experiences are my own. You can join Smiley360 here#RoadTripFLIPZ

Do we really have less than a month till school starts here? Wow! That went fast.

This summer we still haven't squeezed in our family trip. We may be leaving that till last minute to combine with school clothes shopping. But, I didn't want to miss out on reminding you to pack epic snacks for your last summer trips. Because sometimes we crave salty, sometimes sweet, and throwing in a crunch is always a good thing, don't forget to pack plenty of Flips for your next #RoadTripFLIPZ.

In our house, there is a battle brewing over the White Fudge and Milk Chocolate. My husband and I each have our own favorite, but my kids just love the crunchy pretzels and sweet covering, so either flavor is fine.

My advice? Pack plenty of FLIPZ for your next trip so no one has to argue over the last covered pretzel!  Be sure to grab a $1 FLIPZ coupon before your next grocery trip.

Having been on my own epic family road trips as a child (only child, mind you!) I remember how long those drives can seem. Here are 5 tips to make family road trips more enjoyable for everyone.

5 Road Trip Tips For Traveling with Kids

  1. Pre-plan out stops so everyone can stretch their legs and use the bathroom several times along the way. There is nothing worse than hearing a child scream, "I gotta go!" from the backseat. My kids are young enough they still need to be reminded to, "at least try" frequently. Planning out stops ahead of time will make sure everyone can walk around and use the bathroom when available.
  2. Use a Map. This is a great tip for getting kids involved with a traip ahead of time, too. Help them circle or mark the start of the trip, any important things to watch for along the way as well as the destination. It could be a photo copy or more elaborate, but it will give kids a chance to learn about the places you will pass and how long they have to go before the end of the trip.
  3. Pack plenty of snacks and beverages that can be enjoyed along the way. My Mom had a cooler we kept behind the seat that as a child I could use whenever I was hungry. She froze a large bunch of grapes to help keep things cool and I loves snacking on those pre-airconditioned car. Now I pack each of my kids a cup full of dried fruit, pretzels and even cereal that they can munch on when hungry. As a special treat, I keep a bag or two of FLIPZ on hand for us to enjoy. I always enjoy keeping at least one surprise like this up my sleeve to make our trips extra special.
  4. Bring a variety of entertainment everyone can enjoy. I cringe when I have to hear the same kids' video on a loop behind my seat. Instead of just playing movies I now pack travel games (travel bingo can be printed or created easily), trivia, music mixes we all enjoy and audio books to listen to. And of course there are always the travel classics like the alphabet or license plate game as you roll down the road.
  5. Remember it is the little things they will remember years from now. Stop and smell the roses along the way... or check out that giant ball of twine while you have the chance. Family roadtrips are not just about the destination, but the time you spend together along the way.

It is goofy moments like this with my kids that I love to capture on film. I am sure our end of summer trip will include many silly moments from my silly little crew. Life is definitely not boring when we have our sweet FLIPZ along for the ride!

Check out all the great flavors you can enjoy with FLIPZ and be sure to check them out on Facebook and all the #RoadTripFLIPZ fun on Instagram. 

What Road Trip Tips do you have?

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