Sunday, April 11, 2010

Swing Into Spring!

The new house has a lot to offer. Not only is there a new Washer, Dryer, more room, and a new coat of paint.... but there is now a swing set!

Despite the claims that is will take one afternoon, we are on day two. At least today, Sunday, it looks like a swing set.

Of course, Little Man could not wait to try it out. Once the slide and tower were up, he was off. I am not even sure the guys need to finish it.
You can see in the back ground the guys (Dad & Grandpa... aka Bop) are hard at work to finish the monkey bars and add the swings. But Little Man is just tickled with his slide.

Isn't it great to be 2? There is magic in a day outside with a swing set. No matter the weather I know he will want to be out there with it.
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  1. Swing Set looks great! I am sure your little guy is loving it!!!

  2. Swing sets are the best! Thanks for stopping by! I am returning the follow now!


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