Have you ever been that person?
So if you read my last blog post you will know that I became one of those Moms yesterday. I was the one with the screaming/crying child that everyone was looking at. (staring at?) My son got himself stuck in the play structure (envision a giant habit trail for hamsters) at McDonalds. After at least a half an hour an employee retrieved my son. We were the star attraction for a busy kids' room at the fast food restaurant. It was rather embarrassing... and humbling. I will not be judging any other moms anytime soon!Has this kind of thing happened to you? It doesn't have to involve kiddos, but they sure do put parents in awkward situations. I would love to hear other stories of shame.
If you are looking for more Aloha Friday fun, go to An Island Life and check out the other posts on the Linky. Have a great weekend!
When my son was younger maybe around two he got stuck in the bottom of the shopping cart at Wal-Mart. He insisted on laying down in the bottom. Then he got stuck. It was super embarrassing!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I am THAT person...my 2 year old is in this tantrum stage and not just that - it's like blood curdling screaming tantrum. So the other day we are the library and are looking for movies after story time...I am getting ready to check out and my son flips out....lays on the ground begins SCREAMING...I mean like you would have thought he was being tortured. I was humiliated...and to make it worse this really rude worker comes up to me and proceeds to tell my to take my son out...no offer to help me finish checking out my several items, ect. I left crying and my son began hitting me hard, so we had time out in the bathroom. As I was walking out another worker comes up to me and hugs me and tells me that I am not a bad mom...totally what I needed...
ReplyDeleteGosh, I hope not!
ReplyDeleteHave a great Friday!
Yes, I have been that mom! Many times! One time I had to climb up and get my kids out of the play structure because he wouldn't leave. When my son was 1 and a half and I was very pregnant with my second, I was the lady in the middle of Salt Grass Steak House holding the toddler on the floor in the middle of the lobby unable to pick him up because I was too pregnant, with my mom sitting at our table at the other side of the restaurant un-aware. Oh yeah, and I have been that mom holding a tantruming 4 year old who is struggling with all his might to run back into the busy intersection to go back to the fair we just left, while my husband is holding our tantruming three year old who wants to do the same thing. Yeah, been there, done that!
ReplyDeleteHope you'll stop by and see if you can take a swing at my Aloha Friday picky eater lunch dimema at http://suchfuntogive.blogspot.com/2010/09/aloha-friday-sanwhich-alternatives.html . :-)
I am now become THAT parent at school. As a teacher I always cringed at people like me, but it happens when you need to be an advocate for your child.
ReplyDeleteYes I've been that mom.
ReplyDeleteMy son got out the huge water slide , dropped his pants and pee'd on the grass with about a hundred adults and kids watching.