Friday, December 31, 2010

2010... We've Come a Long Way, Bay-bee!

It has been a great year! I hope it was for you. There were big changes here with our family. First off, the year began with my son's Poo-casso period. (not for the feint of heart!) As of now, my son is still not potty trained. Though my daughter more consistently uses our Boon Potty bench.

In February I hosted my first giveaway with CSN Stores. And thanks to all my great readers for entering to win the bakeware set. My DH took our daughter to their very first Father Daughter Dance, and will be making it an annual event. Maybe this year she will be able to stay awake for the whole thing.

Our big move came in March. Not only did we move into a house with a fenced yard, but we had many projects to get the place ready and my DH switched careers to take up farming. It was a great decision, and though scary, it has been a healthy change for all of us.

Then I explored our green side with cloth diapers, food storage , gardening, and making our own laundry detergent. This next year I hope to do even more! Every little bit helps whether you do it for the world or your wallet. It is a win-win.

And recipes? Well, there were some good ones! From Butternut Squash Risotto, Salmon Hash, to Home made Twix-like Cookies. It was a great culinary year. Of course, there are always new ideas floating around my head and there will be more great recipes to share.

Summer was great here! Besides all the strawberries the kids could eat, bake and preserve, we got our chicks and soon were up to our eyeballs in eggs. I really can't complain. Of course the use of eggs in cooking has been a running theme.

We celebrated 2 very important birthdays... Little Girl's first birthday, and Little Man's 3rd.
Then we added two more family members to complete our crazy crew. Chloe, a 6 year old cat and Cooper, our 10 month old Border Collie puppy. I couldn't imagine the place without them, though we are still adjusting to the hairballs and chewed up toys.

So, from all of us at Adventures in All Things Food, here is to a great year! Be sure to stay tuned because 2011 is going to be off the hook. Oh, yeah... so much to do, post and explore. Happy New Year and we will see you again once our New Year, and colds have worn off.

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