Thursday, January 12, 2012

In 2012 I have Goals for my Kids: GoalForIt #Review

I have already shared my New Year's Resolutions here, but I also have some goals for my oldest son. He is 4 and ready to take on more responsibility around the house and for his own behavior. I thought he was a good candidate for a chore chart, a way for him to see our expectations for him and also develop confidence as he makes those goals

I had been thinking about this for the past few months. I just wasn't sure how I wanted to set it up. Then I was given the chance to try out with MomSelect and I think it was exactly what I was looking for.

The best part? Besides all the options, customization and cute graphics to get kids excited... it is FREE!

First I set up my profile. Super simple. I can keep all our family's goal charts in one place and even set up email reminders to keep us motivated.

Then I had to decide on a chart type. I made mine for my 4-year old, so we chose the Firetruck theme and then went to add daily tasks and behaviors to goal for.

The actions are simple and geared for even a young child. Graphics help them recognize what the goal is for. There is also a place for parents to choose whether there is a monetary incentive and even which days they are responsible for the task. I loved there were options for our current potty training goals listed.

When my son is older I could customize his chart with more school related items like homework and getting to school on time. For now, we can check off the day's tasks before bedtime and discuss our plans for the next day.

Besides tasks, I can also list behavior goals such as 'no whining' or 'no tantrums'.

This example shows a possible chore chart. Aren't the aliens cute?

I am a big believer in goal charts. There is something quite satisfying about seeing your own progress. I remember those gold little stars given out in class. Oh, I couldn't wait to earn mine! This option is more geared for today's tech savvy kids, tweens and teens, and you won't be finding little gold stars stuck to everything!

2012 is sure to be more goal focused in our home thanks to our new GoalForIt charts. Want your own? Just head over to and remember, it's FREE.

*Disclaimer - This is a sponsored post for GoalForIt through MomSelect. I was asked to write my own unbiased review. I was compensated, but it didn't affect my opinions.

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1 comment:

  1. I had never heard of this before now! This is such a great idea. My daughter is very visual and loves having things in front of her to remind her of what she is doing/working towards. I will have to go check it out. Thanks for sharing!



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