Monday, August 13, 2012

Teach By Example - How Do You Share Your Photos?

As the mother of two young children I am more aware of my own actions than ever before. I know there are two sets of eyes watching everything I do...

I teach them to be kind and compassionate to others, never liter, look both ways before crossing, but what about my online habits?

My son is almost 5 and there are an increasing number of sites and apps targeting children his age. I want him to feel comfortable online and with technology, but there are ground rules.

I have told him we don't give out personal information and I don't publicly post my their names or our street address, so why wouldn't I be just as careful with our family photos?

How fast photos can be shared over the internet scares me. When I was a child we still had manual film and clunky envelopes of freshly developed film! The biggest worry was if you dropped or lost a photo. My children are growing up in a completely different world. Amazing, but easy to lose your privacy.

Yes, I blog and share photos publicly all the time. Most of those are for a project or event, but that doesn't mean all my photos are so openly shared. Yes, outmywindowTM  allows me to set some boundaries on who can see my photos - I'm in control. By practicing what I preach to my own kids, I hope they follow my example and control who sees their photos in the future.

Of course, I better be in the share group!

Have you taught your own children about web privacy? Do you currently use outmywindowTM to control who you share your photos with?

If you haven't yet, check out the outmywindowTM  App on iTunes and see how easy it can be!

*Disclaimer - I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'outmywindow™.' All opinions are my own.
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