I am not a big fan of instant or packaged foods. I would rather make something from scratch, but try as I might, there are just not enough hours in every day to spend in the kitchen.
My husband farms the land near our house and I never know when he will pop in early looking for lunch... or a child will get hurt or sick... or we will need to make a quick trip into town for something. Honestly, I plan out my meals but sometimes life gets in the way.
I refuse to swing past the drive-thru on those hectic days. I just hate how I feel afterwards.
Instead of taking a short-cut like fast food, I have started stocking a small portion of my pantry with faster options like these Tasty Bite meals and sides.
These microwavable pouches are ready to heat and eat in 90 seconds or less. With all natural and even vegetarian or vegan options, I was intrigued.
No preservatives, lots of great choices and flavors make for a good fast lunch option for me. These also came in handy on days when I had to grab dinner for myself and eat while my family was out. It was nice not to make a big mess in the kitchen.
I tried the Madras Lentils first. This is something I would make myself for dinner, but it would definitely take much longer than 1 minute.
I just vented one corner of the package and heated as directed on the back.
I chose to pour my lentils over a quick baked potato, but any starch would do.
It was hearty, delicious, and a great mixture of spices and flavors. Not too spicy, but a great Indian dish.
No, I might not be a fan of "fast food", but this was just good food fast. No preservatives, nothing artificial - just natural foods ready to heat and serve.
From Indian food to rices and Asian noodle dishes, check your local store for Tasty Bite. It is a great hectic day option.
Check out the Tasty Bite Facebook page, connect on Twitter or Pinterest for product announcements and promotions.

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