*Disclaimer - I was given a complimentary copy of The Scent of Roses in exchange for my honest review as a reviewer with Promotional Book Tours . All experiences and opinions are my own.
Two Brothers: Origin (A Ramtalan Trilogy)
Genre: YA
What teenage boy doesn’t want to fit in and have friends? That’s what Argus Dachel, 17, wants more than anything, but because he’s half alien, and a New Breed, that’s not as easy as it seems. And it sure doesn’t help that he and his brother, Tai, are being pursued by a secret government agency. To top it off, now in their senior year at public high school, both boys risk exposure when Argus uses his extraordinary strength to defend himself against the school bully, falls for 16 year-old Lola and then learns that New Breeds are set for extermination by another group of hostile aliens. As government agent Max Jackson gets close to discovering the brothers’ identity and the hostile alien forces close in, what chance do Argus and Tai have of survival?
My Review:
Two Brothers: Origin is the first book in the Ramtalan Trilogy. Author Sofia Diana Gabel does an amazing job crafting a clean, yet engaging sci-fi story of two alien brothers trying to enter the average world of a human teenager. If the average high school student has a hard job fitting in, you can imagine what these two athletic seniors with various special abilities must do just to blend in.
The characters are written to be believable and interesting. We see much of the school week set-up through Argus' point of view. He is humble, kind and real. Through the friends they gain and love interests discovered, we see both boys are more human than not. Both Argus and his brother Tai have led a shielded life up until now - up until they enter school. Being around "normal" kids teaches them about themselves and also forces their guardian, Aunt Celeste, to finally reveal the boy's origin and differences.
Of course this coming-of-age-style story is anything but boring. A government group is right on heels of exposing the boys. Max has something to prove and a short window to do it in. He wants to find the truth at all cost.
I highly recommend Two Brothers: Origin. From aliens, experiments and secret government agencies to bullies and wanting to be normal, this book is like some of my favorite series; Dark Angel, Roswell and Smallville all wrapped up into one great story.
About the Author:

Born in Sydney, Australia, Ms. Gabel now lives in the United States with her family and hairless Sphynx cats. She has dabbled in several careers, including archaeology and wildlife biology, but writing is her true passion. She attended the University of Nevada, Reno, obtaining two bachelor degrees and has taken additional courses at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and Ventura College in Ventura, California, and is currently enrolled in graduate school for archaeology. Like writing, learning is a part of her life. She is a multi-genre writer, with a historical romantic suspense novel, a women’s fiction novel and a science fiction novella recently published, as well as several short stories published online and in print. Her latest novel is Two Brothers: Origin, A Ramtalan Trilogy, a young adult science fiction novel. Her favorite quote paraphrased from Sir Francis Bacon: Knowledge is Power.
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