Thursday, April 12, 2012

Welcome! Glad You Joined us for The Ultimate Blog Party #UBP12

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Welcome to the party!

So glad you could stop by. This is my 3rd year linking up with the fabulous Ultimate Blog Party - and yes, it is fabulous! Over the years I have made many new friends and found great, new blogs to follow.

My little family of 4 lives on a farm in the Pacific Northwest. Some days I feel like it is our own little "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow. When it isn't raining here, that is. We are either growing food (my husband is the farmer) or preparing it (me!) in some way or another. It helps that I love to eat.

There is room for the chickens, our garden, a dog, a cat and of course the kiddos who keep me on my toes everyday! This is exactly how I want it though.

I love blogging about daily life, yearly occurrences like the prune harvest or carrot washing on the farm.

But besides the chance to show off my kids and their crazy antics, I love to share recipes and food posts. I make a wide variety of foods. Though I enjoy local, seasonal goodies... I love to bake breads and cakes as well as explore using healthy fare like quinoa and cooking from scratch.

Some of my favorite food posts this year have been for:

Spicy Lemon Quinoa
Bread Machine Challah Bread
Chocolate Espresso Bundt Cake
Blueberry Ginger and Lemon Crisp

Of course, I also love adding on giveaways and giving my two cents in a review. Check out the right-hand side of my blog for current giveaways.

Come connect with me on Facebook or @notimeMom on twitter. Don't forget to follow my boards on Pinterest while you are at it. I love to share great products, recipes and all matter of crafty stuff.

Thanks for dropping in. I hope your will stay away, click a link or two and visit again real soon. As I like to say, whether it involves my kids or my kitchen, it is all an adventure. This is our adventure in all things food.

See past party posts:
UBP 2011
UBP 2010

Of course, if you haven't linked up there is still time to join the party. Just hop on over to 5 Minutes for Mom for all the details on how to join in.


  1. Welcome to the party! I originally come from the Pacific Northwest myself so I definitely have a soft spot for fellow moms from that area :) Glad to have found your blog!


  2. I love that rainbow shot!
    I think I met the chickens once before :)

    Stopping by from UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful photos! I'm in the Pacific Northwest too! Just dropping by from The Ultimate Blog Party I am looking forward to networking with you and getting to know you better! I hope you have the opportunity to visit our blog!

  4. Dropping by from the UBP. I grew up on Vancouver Island, also on the pacific. I loved it, and yes it did rain a lot! Your kids are adorable! and that food looks amazing!

  5. Hi! Ok...I had a comment typed and it disappeared....darnit.

    Where do you buy hen houses Andrea? Cause Josh has like 9 baby chickies in a tub in our toy room....he has no idea what he is going to do when they get bigger.....(go him! LOL!)

    See ya round!

    1. Annie, you can buy them (usually) at your local feed store or Co-op, but they can be very expensive! My husband built me a second coop this past year and it is like a cupboard with their doors on the front and the rest opens up to me on the other side of our fence. Might sound funny but version2.0 is better and easier for me to clean. Chickens, given a dry safe place, will roost anywhere. Enjoy your chicks.

  6. Visiting from the blog party and from the Northwest also..Wa. Love your recipes and photo above!

  7. Christina - - Love your site! I hope by next year to have a blog of my own, reviewing books and films.
    Happy UBP 2012!

  8. Hey Andrea, Stopping by from the UBP12 to say hello. Your children are adorable and the photo of the rainbow is a great shot!! I hope you enjoy your time this week during the party!



I always love reading your comments and questions. Let me know what you thought about my recipe or post. Comments are currently being moderated due to spam-tastic recent postings. I'll have your comment up shortly. Thanks!